September Haul pt1

October 14, 2024 ยท 5 minutes read

I was quite swamped recently, and had to seriously re-check what I already photographed and prepared to blog about, since the packages were still coming in even when I didn’t have time to document everything. I will do a short-ish update on some non-switch items I received recently, and in another post I will focus on the switches, since there is a few.

So to get the silly out of the way, a while back I bought a giant switch from Gateron, it seemed like a stupid fun thing to buy. It has five random switches inside so you can get some rarer ones, and they are packed in cute balls, so it’s like a gacha machine. I lied to myself that I bought it for my wife which loves that shit, but we all know. You can push on the button on top where the keycap usually comes, it does a spin and then you pull out a side latch and a switch falls down. I actually got a really good one that I have to identify, hope it’s a older one, it didn’t come up after a quick google, will update this post when I find out which five I got. It would be really cool if I figure out what else to put inside, or create a STL in the shape of the ball, so I could do some raffles when friends come over, or perhaps even streaming giveaways.

Big switch Big switch opened Big switch opened with visible switch

Next up, I saw a really good looking kit from Hibi June & Junior posted on Oblotzky, and it even had a slight discount, so of course I had to order it. The thing that really convinced me was the looks, the case material and the pcb maker. So first things first, looks are absolutely gorgeous, the purple one was sadly (and understandably) gone, so I was deciding between the Purquise and Fairy bread one, since I really like the sprinkle pattern.

This is what the purple one looks like: Hibi purple case with switches And this is the Fairy bread one: Hibi purple case with switches

Ultimately I decided to go with the Purquise since the colour seemed more unique than most I’ve seen, I also bought the Purquise keycaps so the combo should be fantastic, pics for that in the next post I’ve just got, together with several types of switches and 2 Tofu redux cases.

The case material for the kit though, it’s silicone! Didn’t see many of these in the wild, and was really curious on how it feels and sounds Purquise front Ribbed, for her pleasure Purquise back

The PCB itself was WT60-H1 from Wilba which I was eyeing a while ago when I was looking for some 60% PCBs to use in a new build. They are really good looking, I love the little details on them, black/gold colour scheme and also like the logo. Some of their PCBs are cutout and some aren’t, this one is hotswappable, and VIA compatible, so that’s great. Hibi PCB The kit doesn’t include keycaps, stabilizers and switches, which I have plenty of, and those make sense so you can build it like you want, the plate included with the kit is FR4. FR4 plate

I do apologize for the dust and dirt on some of the pictures, I have 3 cats and a dog, and since I was taking pictures for like 2 hours, it was impossible to leave them out for so long, since they were crying like they are straight up dying. Here is one of my helpers leaving paw prints everywhere Little helper

I’ve also got some nice keycaps, I’m fairly sure I have more from a recent package lying around somewhere, but I didn’t find them at the time of writing. These are called Kanarinamon, the print quality is good, I like the black/white contrast, the white is a nice shade, like bone-white (que the American psycho card scene), and you get a few darker keycaps for space, enter, arrow and misc keys. The symbols are weeb asian themed, and so are the letters, you have hiragana in bottom right of the letter keys. Kaminarimon 1 Kaminarimon 2 Kaminarimon 3

I’ve also impulsively bought a new microphone for recording the switch sounds (well I use it for gaming as well since some of the headphones are heavy as shit, so I switch to IEMs), the sound is 10/10, but the condenser microphones are really a beast of their own, either they pick up nothing, or they pick up the neighbour farting. Possibly gave myself a concussion by setting it up, since I’ve very intelligently put the controller under my desk. Operating it is like flying a plane, it has a myriad of buttons and for 1/3 of the time I have no idea what they do.

I just recently figured out the reason it was so low volume was because most mics are actually mono, but since I recorded in stereo track I thought it was not working correctly. Instead I should be recording in mono and it would be normal volume, otherwise I guess it is halved since it forces 2 tracks, you live and you learn. I’m going to go over all the switches in my collection and buiilds I have and record the sounds and include it in the reviews.

Here is also a sneak preview of a all-pink build I recently made, I am making a longer post about this, also recorded the process of building and rebuilding it with different plates. Pink build preview

I also mentioned IEMs before, recently I decided to try them out and bought several in different price ranges, I will be reviewing those as well, I am really pleasantly surprised by them.

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