Since my manic shopping spree, I have been receiving packages almost daily. A lot of them are switches, some are keycaps, and some are PCBs and cases. So this post will be more of a pic-dump than anything.
Recently I received the light pink Tofu60 redux case I was hoping to get from EU, but after waiting for months, I decided to order it from KBDfans on Aliexpress, which has a hefty shipping price (Which is still much cheaper than ordering from their homepage cries in EU), and of course I had to get the brass weight as well, which had almost the same shipping price as the weight itself. As my luck had it, few days after receiving it, I noticed Maxgaming has new Tofu60 arrivals, which are both pink shades of pink I was looking for, oh well.
I also received the TeamWolf Keypad with 8k polling and HE switches which I will be reviewing, and I am still waiting for the Raven68 from them, which should be arriving soon.
It looks cute, I went for the brighter colour for a change
I will do a separate review along with the full keyboard, at the moment I’m figuring out how to measure latency in a reliable way. One option is to take the system latency into account, which is kinda accurate in real life kind of way, the other is custom equipment and expensive measuring equipment, which is not on my radar for the time being. Perhaps I will make a small contraption to trigger a solenoid which imitates a finger press, and measure the response on the screen. I would still need a really high FPS camera, I could get a 1000+ fps camera, but when we get to 1ms latency we are kinda hitting the cap with that. An oscilloscope or a usb analyzer are an option, but both require soldering/messing with the keyboard.
The package from Geonworks arrived pretty fast and contained a lot of goodies, I couldn’t decide on the Raw HE switches so I took all 3 spring weights (40g, 50g and 60g), besides those I picked most of the switches on the site in amount of 1, so I test them out. A few in particular are really outstanding, the Geon Raw 60g one is 10/10
The deskmat was also included in the package, which was pretty fun, I think I will actually use it as a “poster” of sorts, since I have several cats and they do like to use their handknives to scratch my shit.
I also got Poco keycaps, which I will either use on my pink Tofu build if the Cerakeys don’t pan out the way I want them to, or on another build later on, they look very nice
The whole package looks something like this, I will review all the switches independently and thoroughly, really excited for that. There will also be sound tests coming with the full builds
And here are the Cerakeys. They really do feel unique, cool, smooth, and kinda heavy to the touch. They also make a nice sound when typing. Perhaps not the ideal for competitive FPS games, but for typing they should be really nice, looking forward to making a build.
I will be using them together with the Tofu60 redux and pink Jades HE I managed to find, same switch but the stem itself is in pink, I managed to combine a very similar shade of pink alltogether
I also got another Wooting60, since the previous version was the non-module one, so I wanted to put together another HE keyboard, this time with the silicon padding, and from the tests I’ve seen, it seems the PCB is a tad bit faster.
I have to decide in which case to put it, the plan is to build 3 mostly identical tofu builds, with a different plate, so when I test out the switches all the variables are the same, only the plate is different (and the switch I… switch between the builds)
I also received some nice keycaps my wife described as “joy division keycaps”, they have side engravings, which I really like, since I usually hold my keyboard at a distance, so engravings on top are less visible than side. Right now I don’t have any builds planned with them, but will probably go with a black/white base, perhaps the upcoming HKKB build
For the switches I will probably pair the keycaps with the black knights I recently received as well, they feel nice to use, especially considering the price, and I will be doing a thorough test on them as soon as I find some time.
For the past few days my 3d printer has been busy printing the switch holders, since I usually order more switches I actually need, in case any is damaged or if a friend wants to test them out, I will be putting on of each on the holder. I’ll probably use matrices in an excel spreadsheet to keep track of them, since writing directly on the holder seems like it could backfire with some custom switches because of the longer names. For now I printed 2, and I have some other keyboard related prints planned
It’s a great stackable design, so you can stack the switch holders even when they are filled with switches! If anyone wants to try it out, here’s the model (I can also print it for you if you want)
Since finishing up this blog post I have received several other packages which im excited to open and share in the next post!